Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: TruePosition v. LM Ericsson Telephone Co.

    The case of the day is TruePosition, Inc. v. LM Ericsson Telephone Co. (E.D. Pa. 2012). TruePosition is in the business of “developing and marketing high accuracy location products that operate over cellular telecommunications networks.” TruePosition sued three firms, LM Ericsson Telephone Co., Qualcomm, Inc., and Alcatel-Lucent USA, Inc., for violating the Sherman Act by……

  • Case of the Day: Dierig v. Lees Leisure Industries

    The case of the day, Dierig v. Lees Leisure Industries, Ltd. (E.D. Ky. 2012), is yet another example of a US case holding that service by mail in Canada is permissible. I have suggested, in a series of posts and comments here and at Antonin Pribetic’s Trial Warrior Blog, that I think service by mail……

  • The Government’s Brief in the Belfast Project Case

    The government has filed its brief in the appeal Ed Moloney and Anthony McIntyre took from Judge Young’s decision denying their motion for leave to intervene in Boston College’s attempt to quash the government’s subpoenas for the Belfast Project interviews. The government’s statement of the issues outlines its arguments pretty simply: 1. The intervention issue……

  • Chevron Seeks a TRO

    Chevron is back before Judge Kaplan, seeking a temporary restraining order in its RICO case against Steven Donziger, Hugo Gerardo Camacho Naranjo, and several of the Lago Agrio plainitffs. Recall that Judge Kaplan previously denied Chevron’s motion to attach the Lago Agrio plaintiffs’ interests in the Ecuadoran judgment. For Chevron, this is “once more unto……

  • Case of the Day: In re Gianasso

    The case of the day is In re Gianasso (N.D. Cal. 2012). According to the application, the website published an article by an anonymous commenter, “IATA Anonymous”, that defamed the applicant, Guido Gianasso. Gianasso made a criminal complaint against “IATA Anonymous” in Switzerland, and the Geneva Airport Security Authority opened a criminal investigation. Gianasso……