Author: Ted Folkman

  • Money Talks

    When I was in high school, I was an excellent math student. I did well enough that when I got to college, I was told to take a course called “Elementary Calculus” as my first math course. I thought “Elementary Calculus” would be no problem. But after the first day, it became clear to me……

  • The Boston City Council Gets It Wrong On Gaza

    I’ve lived in the City of Boston for more than twenty years. I love Boston. I do not always love Boston’s City Council. That’s especially true today. Councilor Tania Fernandes Anderson, whose prior antisemitic comments I am not going to detail here, offered a really unfortunate resolution on the Gaza war, and the City Council,……

  • Event Announcement: Judicial Assistance for the Taking of Evidence Outside Quebec

    Readers, if you are going to be in Montreal on June 3, I’d like to give you a heads-up about an event I’ll be doing with the Canadian Bar Association/Association du Barreau Canadien: “Judicial Assistance for the Taking of Evidence Outside Quebec.” Here is the CBA’s summary: Evidence relevant to a case before a Quebec……

  • Case of the Day: Footprint International v. Footprint Asia

    The case of the day is Footprint International LLC v. Footprint Asia, Ltd. (D. Ariz. 2024). Footprint International was an Arizona company that made fiber-based bowls, plates, and cutlery. It had a contract with Footprint Asia, a Chinese company, to manufacture its products in China. Footprint International brought a trademark infringement claim against Footprint Asia……

  • What to Make of Khymani James

    Khymani James, a graduate of Boston Latin Academy and former student representative to the Boston School Committee, who not too long ago was feted as a rising student leader in Boston and who has said he wants to be elected to Congress someday, has been one of the leaders of the protest encampment outside the……