Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: Russo v. Alonso

    The case of the day is Russo v. Alonso (Ariz. Ct. App. 2012). Timothy and Annette Russo were involved in a traffic accident in Phoenix. They noted the license plate number on the other vehicle, and the police officer who came to the scene identified the other vehicle as belonging to Jose Arsenio Ramirez Alonso,……

  • Case of the Day: J&H International v. Karaca Zucciye Tic. San A.S.

    The case of the day is J&H International v. Karaca Zucciye Tic. San A.S. (D.N.J. 2012). J&H had a contract with Karaca Zucciye (known as “KRC”) for the sale of more than $2.6 million of stainless steel cutlery stamped or etched with KRC’s name. J&H was a New Jersey business, but its factory was in……

  • Breaking: Supreme Court Denies Cert. in Naranjo

    Today the Supreme Court denied Chevron’s petition for a writ of certiorari in Chevron v. Naranjo, the case in which the Second Circuit had vacated Judge Kaplan’s preliminary injunction barring efforts at obtaining recognition and enforcement of the Lago Agrio judgment. The Second Circuit’s decision rested on what I think was a questionable basis, namely,……

  • Case of the Day: Burgan Express v. Atwood

    The case of the day is Burgan Express for General, Trading & Contracting Co. v. Atwood (S.D. Ohio 2012). The plaintiffs were Burgan Express, a Kuwaiti company, and Mahmoud Mohammad Abbas Hajia Khajah, a Kuwaiti national and the owner of Burgan. The defendants were Wolfpack Security Services, Inc., an Ohio corporation, and Mark Anthony Atwood,……

  • Case of the Day: Orsi v. Falah

    The case of the day is Orsi v. Falah (D. Mass. 2012). As the judge summarized the claims, Orsi alleged that in 2003, he “encountered Al-Nahyan in the lounge of La Reserve hotel in Geneva, Switzerland.” Orsi alleged he “refused certain social invitations and sexual advances” from Al-Nahayan, and that Al-Nayan then “assaulted Orsi, whipped……