Don’t Forget To Set Your Clocks Ahead Tonight!
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Lago Agrio: Kimerling’s Case Dismissed
A New York court has affirmed a decision dismissing a lawsuit Judith Kimerling brought on behalf of the Huaorani people on forum non conveniens grounds.
Belfast Project: Irish Police Question Anthony McIntyre
The Guardian is reporting that the Garda Síochána has questioned Anthony McIntyre, Belfast Project protagonist, in the Belfast Project case.
Cartas Blogatorias Welcomes Professor Noodt Tarquela
Readers, those of you who follow Cartas Blogatorias’s coverage of news from Latin America will be glad to know that Professor Maria Blanca Noodt Tarquela of the University of Buenos Aires has signed on as the blog’s Argentina correspondent. She and her colleagues will be bringing us private international law coverage from Argentina and expanding……
Case of the Day: Kuznetsov v. Kuznetsova
The case of the day is Kuznetsov v. Kuznetsova (N.Y. App. Div. 2015). The husband and wife were married in Russia in 1991. In 2003, the husband obtained an ex parte judgment of divorce from a Russian court. In 2007, the husband then sought a divorce, and other relief, in Kings County, New York. The……