Mexico Update: Supreme Court Refuses Recognition of US Judgment On Service of Process Grounds
In a recent post at Cartas Blogatorias, María Mercedes Albornoz has written about a recent amparo case in the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice in which the court refused to reverse a lower court’s decision refusing recognition of a US decision on the grounds that the defendant was not served personally with process.
Case of the Day: Ledroit Law v. Kim
The case of the day is Ledroit Law v. Kim (Colo. Ct. App. 2015). Snell & Wilmer, an Arizona law firm with offices in Colorado, represented two Ontario companies in a civil case in the District of Colorado. At the same time, Ledroit Law, an Ontario law firm, represented one of the Canadian companies in……
Case of the Day: International School of Management v. Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs
The case of the day is International School of Management, Inc. v. Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (D. Kan. 2015). ISM ran executive education programs that awarded the degree of master of business administration. One of the programs was in France. ISM claimed that its accrediting body, ACBS, wrongfully terminated its accreditation on……
Letters Blogatory Server Update
Readers, I have migrated Letters Blogatory to its new server. I hope this was seamless and invisible to you, but if you experience any problems please let me know!
Lago Agrio: One Last Post On The DC Circuit Decision
A final update on the recent DC Circuit decision: the Donziger camp has confirmed to me that the Ecuadoran court order, mentioned in my second post on the case, is still in effect. Thus Ecuadoran law apparently requires the Ecuadoran government to pay the award to the Lago Agrio plaintiffs rather than to Chevron. However,……