§ 1782 Applications in Sheldon Adelson’s Libel Suit Against Kate O’Keeffe
Today we have two cases of the day: In re Application of O’Keeffe (S.D. Fla. 2015), and In re Application of O’Keeffe (D.N.J. 2015). The applicant in both cases, Kate O’Keeffe, is a reporter for the Wall Street Journal. In 2012, she wrote an article about the casino magnate, Sheldon Adelson, that described him as……
Lago Agrio: The Canadian Supreme Court’s Decision in Yaiguaje v. Chevron
Update (10:25 a.m.): The Lago Agrio plaintiffs prevailed on their jurisdictional arguments. Both Chevron and its indirect Canadian subsidiary are subject to the jurisdiction of the Ontario courts. The court did not decide whether the corporate veil between the subsidiary (the entity with the assets in Canada) and Chevron (the judgment debtor) could be pierced,……
Case of the Day: Glock v. Glock, Inc.
The case of the day is Glock v. Glock, Inc. (11th Cir. 2015). Helga Glock was the former wife of Gaston Glock, creator of the Glock 17 handgun. The Glocks were engaged in divorce litigation in Austria. In 2013, Helga brought an application under § 1782 seeking evidence from Glock, Inc., Glock Professional, Inc., and……
Case of the Day: SA Luxury Expeditions v. Latin America for Less
The case of the day is SA Luxury Expeditions, LLC v. Latin America for Less, LLC (N.D. Cal. 2015). SA Luxury Expeditions was a travel agency focusing on Latin America. It sued Bernard Schleien, a resident of Peru and a competitor, on a claim of unfair competition and computer fraud and abuse. SA sought to……
Save The Date! Service of Process and Taking of Evidence Abroad: The Impact of “Electronic Means” on the Operation of the Hague Conventions
Readers, I hope you will be able to attend an exciting event on the Hague Service and Evidence Conventions this autumn in Washington. Titled “Service of Process and Taking of Evidence Abroad: The Impact of ‘Electronic Means’ on the Operation of the Hague Conventions,” the event will feature panels of distinguished scholars and practitioners from……