Author: Ted Folkman

  • Lago Agrio: Supreme Court Relists Donziger’s Case Again

    The Supreme Court has once again put off a decision on Steven Donziger’s petition seeking review of his criminal conviction. The petition was first distributed for discussion at the justices’ January 13 conference, but since then it has been relisted for discussion on January 20, February 17, and now February 24. What does this mean?……

  • ABA Adopts Resolution on Antisemitism—Without the IHRA Working Definition

    The American Bar Association has adopted a resolution on antisemitism at its midyear meeting in New Orleans. The resolution urges US authorities to condemn antisemitism and encourages US and foreign states to pass legislation to combat it. It also recommends that the ABA take “a leadership role” in fighting antisemitism. This is welcome news in……

  • Case of the Day: Kyjen Co. v. Individuals

    The case of the day is Kyjen Co. v. Individuals (S.D.N.Y. 2023). The case was a pretty typical “Chinese knockoffs sold on the internet” case. The plaintiff sought a temporary restraining order and moved for leave to serve process by email and “online publication.” The plaintiff didn’t know the defendants’ addresses, but the judge took……

  • Case of the Day: Voltage Pictures v. Gussi

    The case of the day is Voltage Pictures, LLC v. Gussi, S.A. de C.V. (C.D. Cal. 2022). Voltage is a film production and distribution company in Los Angeles. Gussi was a Mexican company. The parties had a contract for the distribution of the film “Ava” in Latin America. There was a dispute that resulted in……

  • Interesting Post on the New English Rules on Extraterritorial Disclosure

    Jonathan Shaffer-Goddard published an interesting post yesterday at the Transnational Litigation Blog about the October 2022 amendment to the English Civil Procedure Rules regarding extraterritorial disclosure orders. These are orders that the English court can grant ex parte and that can be served on a person abroad, including in the United States, for the purpose……