Author: Ted Folkman

  • Sharia Law In the UK

    Next week, several NGOs are sponsoring a seminar in a committee room of the UK House of Commons regarding the supposed dangers of Sharia law in the UK. This is of interest to me for the same reason I’m sure it’s interesting to anyone interested in arbitration and private international law, and also because the……

  • Lago Agrio: Second Circuit Denies En Banc Review

    As expected, the Second Circuit has denied Steven Donziger’s petition for a rehearing en banc in the Chevron RICO case. The court also denied the LAPs’ petition, which I did not separately cover. What next?

  • Case to Watch: Helmerich & Payne International v. Venezuela

    This week, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in Helmerich & Payne International v. Venezuela. I wrote about the case back in May 2015. Here was my description of the facts: Helmerich & Payne, an Oklahoma oil company, operated in Venezuela through subsidiaries incorporated under Venezuelan law. Beginning in 2007, its subsidiary made contracts with……

  • Apostille Convention: The Upcoming Meeting of the Special Commission

    The Special Commission on the Practical Operation of the Hague Apostille Commission will be meeting at the Peace Palace beginning this week. Here are a few of the key documents:

  • Water Splash v. Menon Resource Page

    I have created a resource page for Water Splash v. Menon, the case about Article 10(a) of the Hague Service Convention that is now before the Supreme Court on a petition for a writ of certiorari. You can find it under the Special Coverage menu at the top of the page.