Author: Ted Folkman

  • Water Splash v. Menon: The Question Presented Calls For Caution

    In Water Splash v. Menon, the Supreme Court will resolve the longstanding circuit split about whether Article 10(a) of the Hague Service Convention allows service of process by mail. As I noted in my post on Multisports USA v., there’s a difficulty in the way the question on cert. has been presented. The question,……

  • Case of the Day: Multisports USA v.

    The case of the day is Multisports USA v. The Ltd. (S.D. Fla. 2016). Multisports sued Ltd., a UK company, for tortious interference in business relationships. The claim was that The had tortiously interfered in Multisports’ relationship with Compressport, for which it acted as exclusive US distributor of sports merchandise. Multisports attempted……

  • Case of the Day: In re Schlich

    The case of the day is In re Schlich (D. Mass. 2016). It arises out of competing claims to invention of CRISPR/Cas9, a new gene editing technology that has gotten a lot of attention in the popular press. Jennifer Doudna of UC Berkeley and her collaborator, Emmanuelle Charpentier, claimed to be the inventors, and Doudna’s……

  • Top Posts of 2016

    Readers, thank you once again for reading Letters Blogatory this year! Here is a list of the top ten posts of this year, based on the number of pageviews.

  • Hague Securities Convention Will Soon Come Into Force

    I remember receiving a gift of a few shares of stock in some large company or other when I was a kid. I received an engraved certificate with the company’s logo, my name, and a lot of legalese that at the time I couldn’t decipher. The naive thought, of course, is that the piece of……