Author: Ted Folkman

  • Water Splash v. Menon: The Respondent’s Brief

    The respondent has filed her brief in Water Splash v. Menon, the case on Article 10(a) of the Hague Service Convention. I am not going to comment at length on the details of the brief. May I gently suggest that if you’re talking about Plato’s theory of forms or John Finnis on natural law in……

  • Ecuador in the Twilight Zone

    For those interested in the Lago Agrio case, I’m trying to publish some reactions to last week’s first-round presidential election from various points on the Ecuadoran political spectrum. The first is from Gustavo Domínguez, whom I met on my 2014 trip to Ecuador. Domínguez was a consultant to the Ecuadoran government and one of the……

  • Case of the Day: In re Rainsy

    The case of the day is In re Rainsy (N.D. Cal. 2017). Sam Rainsy, a Cambodian politician, and several other Cambodians had “alleg[ed] human rights violations before the International Criminal Court.” They brought an application for leave to take discovery from Chevron Corp. relating to the 2016 assassination of Cambodian government critic Kem Ley. They……

  • See you in a week!

    Readers, I’ll return with new posts for you on February 27. See you then!

  • Water Splash: Notes on Volkswagen from the new ABA Treatise

    The publication of the new ABA treatise, which I noted yesterday, reminded me that I had already written about the question I noted last month in my discussion of the government’s amicus brief in the Water Splash case, namely whether the Hague Service Convention applies to all judicial documents, or just to the summons and……