Author: Ted Folkman

  • A Calamitous Day

    A Calamitous Day

    Friday was a calamitous day, a punch in America’s gut. I will just mention in passing the guilty plea by former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn to a felony charge of lying to the FBI and the President’s apparent unwitting admission that he tried to obstruct justice by asking the then-FBI Director, James Comey, to……

  • Lago Agrio Court: STJ Rejects Ecuadoran Judgment

    Lago Agrio Court: STJ Rejects Ecuadoran Judgment

    The Chevronologists among you know that the Lago Agrio plaintiffs have tried to obtain recognition of their Ecuadoran judgment in three jurisdictions: Argentina, Brazil, and Canada. The attempt in Argentina failed last month. The proceedings in Canada were rejected by the first instance court in January 2017 but are still on appeal. The LAPs, perhaps……

  • Case of the Day: Noco Co. v. Shenzen Dika Na’Er E-Commerce Co.

    The case of the day is Noco Co. v. Shenzen Dika Na’Er E-Commerce Co. (N.D. Ohio 2017). Noco sued Shenzen Dika, a Chinese company, for patent infringement. The claim was that the defendant was selling infirnging products on Amazon. Noco “attempted to ascertain a physical address, email address or other contact information by searching Defendants……

  • Case of the Day: Moore v. Toyota

    The case of the day is Moore v. Toyota Motor Corp. (E.D. La. 2017). It’s a simple case, but judge Sarah Vance gets everything right. The plaintiff, Robert Moore, alleged that his Toyota Corolla had a defective airbag, and that he was injured by the airbag when he was involved in an accident in 2016.……

  • Thank You, Readers!

    Thank You, Readers!

    Readers, I’m happy to announce that the ABA has recognized Letters Blogatory as one of the 50 best law blogs for 2017. I’m grateful especially to you for your support and in many cases your friendship. I couldn’t do it without you! I would also like to thank my colleagues at Murphy & King for……