Apostille Convention: Hague Conference Considers Authentication of Intergovernmental and Supranational Organization Documents
A working group is meeting next month in the Hague to consider the authentication of documents issued by intergovernmental or supranational organizations. One of the preliminary documents published by the Hague Conference in advance of the meeting provides several methods by which such documents can be authenticated:
Case of the Day: Midbrook Flowerbulbs Holland v. Holland America Bulb Farms
The case of the day is Midbrook Flowerbulbs Holland B.V. v. Holland America Bulb Farms, Inc. (9th Cir. 2017). Holland America, a Washington corporation, had a business relationship with Midbrook, a Dutch company, under which Holland America purchased flower bulbs from Midbrook. A dispute arose. Midbrook claimed Holland America had failed to pay an invoice;……
Lago Agrio: Payments to Guerra and Fajardo
Readers, for those of you who don’t follow the Lago Agrio case, I hope you’ll bear with me. I know I’ve had a lot of Chevron/Ecuador coverage the past week or two, but some new developments caught my eye, and I think they’re worthy of a post.
Case of the Day: State Farm v. Amazon
The case of the day is State Farm Fire & Cas. Co. v. Amazon.com, Inc. (D. Ariz. 2017). It’s an example of how not to do it. State Farm filed its complaint in June 2017. A month later, the court (for reasons that are unclear) issued an order requiring service by September 21. State Farm……
Lago Agrio: The Argentine and Brazilian Developments, In English
I’ve recently noted the decision of an Argentine court to refuse to enforce the Lago Agrio judgment, and the opinion of Brazilian judge Luis Felipe Salomão also opining that the judgment should not be enforced in Brazil. I’ve gotten my hands on English translations of both.