Jerusalem Two Weeks On: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Almost two weeks ago, the United States recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. At the time, I applauded the move in principle though I expressed prudential concerns about the potential for a violent reaction. I had the strange experience of applauding President Trump’s speech, which plainly was written by people who knew their stuff and which—if……
Case of the Day: AIG v. Permanent Mission of Myanmar
The case of the day is AIG Property & Casualty Co. v. Permanent Mission of Myanmar to the United Nations (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2017). Gregory Callimanopulos owned a building abutting Myanmar’s mission to the UN. He claimed that his property suffered water damage after the mission negligently failed to maintain its plumbing. His insurer, AIG,……
Case to Watch: Molla Sali v. Greece
Longtime readers will know I am interested in the interplay between religious law and civil law. A good example was just argued in the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights. The facts of Molla Sali v. Greece are these. Mr. Molla Sali, a Muslim Greek national, left his entire estate to his……
Case of the Day: Vitro Packaging v. Dubiel
The case of the day is Vitro Packaging de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. v. Dubiel (Tex. App. 2017). John Dubiel Jr. sued Vitro Mexico, alleging that he was "injured in a grocery store when soft drink bottles exploded and glass shards hit his eye." He served process in Vitro, a Mexican firm, by serving the……
Case of the Day: Trzaska v. L’Oréal
The case of the day is Trzaska v. L’Oréal USA, Inc. (D.N.J. 2017). Steven Trzaska, a lawyer, was the head of patents for L’Oréal USA, a subsidiary of L’Oréal S.A., a French company. After his employment was terminated, he sued for wrongful discharge. Trzaska served process on L’Oréal S.A. by mail to L’Oréal’s CEO in……