Author: Ted Folkman

  • Quick Thoughts on the DNC’s Lawsuit Against the Trump Campaign, Russia, and Wikileaks

    The Democratic National Committee has filed a lawsuit against Russia, Wikileaks, President Trump’s campaign, and others in New York. The complaint features many of the claims we have been reading in the news about the hacking of the DNC’s emails, their publication on Wikileaks, the Trump campaign’s participation, and so forth. My views on President……

  • Lago Agrio: Nothing To Report

    Lago Agrio: Nothing To Report

    The Ontario Court of Appeal held a two-day hearing on the Lago Agrio plaintiffs’ appeal from the summary judgment in favor of Chevron Canada. The gist of the decision was that the LAPs had not shown they were entitled to pierce the corporate veil and therefore they could not look to the assets of Chevron……

  • Case to Watch: Gubarev v. Buzzfeed

    The Trump/Russia scandal now has an international judicial assistance angle. In early 2017, Buzzfeed published the Steele dossier, which contained the following assertions:

  • Trump and Syria

    My first reaction to the news that the US, along with the UK and France, had attacked Syrian chemical weapons facilities following the chemical attack the Syrian government apparently carried out against its own civilians was: I’m glad I’m not an expert in the law of war. If I were, I probably would be in……

  • The Presumption of Paternity Lives!

    Lawyers who love Shakespeare read him differently than other readers. We are always on the lookout for the legal nuggets. There is a small genre of “Shakespeare the lawyer” or “Shakespeare and the law” stuff out there. Some books collect the legal nuggets, sometimes with commentary. Others wonder whether Shakespeare himself was a lawyer. A……