Author: Ted Folkman

  • Supreme Court Grants Cert. in Sudan v. Harrison

    At the June 21 conference, shortly before the end of the Term, the Supreme Court granted a cert. petition in Republic of Sudan v. Harrison, which I covered back in 2016. The issue is whether you can comply with the FSIA’s service requirements by sending the summons and complaint by mail to the foreign state’s……

  • Case of the Day: Fiorilla v. Citigroup Global Markets

    Case of the Day: Fiorilla v. Citigroup Global Markets

    The case of the day is Fiorilla v. Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. (S.D.N.Y. 2018). John Leopoldo Fiorilla brought an arbitration against Citigroup in 2010. Fiorilla, a self-described “unsophisticated” investor, opened an account with Citi in 2006 to manage his $19.5 million life savings. He alleged that through “mismanagement and malfeasance,” Citi “eviscerated” his savings, which……

  • Case of the Day: Packard v. City of New York

    The case of the day is Packard v. City of New York (S.D.N.Y. 2018). Charles Meacham sued New York City on behalf of a class, asserting civil rights claims arising out of his arrest in September 2012 during the Occupy Wall Street protests. At the time, he lived in New York, but now he lives……

  • Case of the Day: In re Schlich

    The case of the day is In re Schlich (1st Cir. 2018). The decision is only the second time the First Circuit—the federal appellate court here in Boston—has reviewed a decision under § 1782, and the first since Intel, so the case is significant. I covered the District Court’s decision in December 2016.

  • This Week In Trump

    I haven’t written anything political for a while, for two reasons. I read a lot of political opinion and analysis, and I think that in 2018, no one I’m reading is actually helping to make things better. And these are mostly very good writers who make their living writing about politics. If we are going……