In honor of the impending snowpocalypse, another post on the Prince Andrew matter: according to the Daily Mail, the lawyers seeking the Duke of York’s testimony, whose informal written request delivered by mail to Buckingham Palace was rebuffed, is now seeking to “serve papers on him via the British embassy.”
This is absurd theater. It seems to me that Cassell and Edwards, Jane Doe #3’s lawyers, don’t really want the the Duke’s testimony, since they seem to prefer splashy letters sent to ritzy addresses—Buckingham Palace, the British Embassy—than taking the one step (or one of the steps, anyway) that could actually lead to obtaining the testimony, namely a request to the Florida judge to issue a Letter of Request to the UK Central Authority under the Hague Evidence Convention. Get real.
Since so many of you commented favorably on my lion couchant, here is a great tweet by friend of Letters Blogatory Antonin Pribetic:
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