Tag: UK

  • Belfast Project: Rea Challenge Fails

    The Belfast Telegraph is reporting that Winston “Winkie” Rae’s challenge to the PSNI’s effort to obtain his Belfast Project interviews has failed. I reported on Rae’s case late last month.

  • Belfast Project: The Known Unknowns

    Something is going on in the Belfast Project case. But it’s difficult to say exactly what. As I noted a few days ago, Winston “Winkie” Rae has obtained an injunction in Belfast preventing the Northern Irish authorities from traveling to Boston to obtain a copy of his Belfast Project interview. Friend of Letters Blogatory Chris……

  • Case of the Day: Continental Transfert Technique v. Nigeria

    The case of the day is Continental Transfert Technique Ltd. v. Federal Government of Nigeria (D.C. Cir. 2015). I last wrote about the case in August 2011. In 1999, Continental, a Nigerian corporation, made a contract with Nigeria’s Ministry of the Interior to create a computerized residence permit and alien card system. After disputes about……

  • Belfast Project: Belfast Court Enjoins the PSNI

    There is still some life in the Belfast Project case! The Belfast Telegraph reports that Winston “Winkie” Rae, a former Loyalist prisoner, has obtained an injunction preventing the PSNI from traveling to Boston to collect the taped recording of his Belfast Project interview. The story does not give any details about the legal arguments, so……

  • Case of the Day: Assoun v. Assoun

    The case of the day is Assoun v. Assoun (S.D.N.Y. 2015). The parties, Yan Assoun and Anais Assoun, were former spouses who lived in England after their divorce. Anais petitioned the High Court in London to increase the amount of child support and spousal support Yan was required to pay. The court granted the petition……