Tag: Recognition and Enforcement

  • Case of the Day: Hyundai Securities Co. v. Lee

    The case of the day is Hyundai Securities Co. v. Lee (Cal. Ct. App. 2013). Shareholders of Hyundai brought a derivative action on behalf of the corporation against Hyundai’s former CEO, Ik Chi Lee, in the Seoul Southern District Court. The claim was for securities fraud. The Korean court entered judgment in favor of Hyundai……

  • Case of the Day: de Csepel v. Hungary

    The case of the day is de Csepel v. Hungary (D.C. Cir. 2013). The case concerns the art collection of Baron Mór Litót Herzog, a “passionate Jewish art collector in pre-war Hungary.” Baron Herzog died in 1934, and his wife and then his children, Erzsébet (who married Alfonz Weiss de Csepel, hence the name of……

  • Case of the Day: Sea Search Armada v. Colombia

    Aargh! We return today to Sea Search Armada v. Republic of Columbia, a case I first covered in October 2011. Here was my description of the facts: According to the complaint, Sea Search Armada had an agreement with the government of Colombia for salvage of the treasure of the San Jose,a Spanish ship carrying $4……

  • Lago Agrio: Stratus Consulting Turns On Donziger

    Update: I have updated the post to include a statement from Craig Smyser, one of the Ecuadoran plaintiffs’ lawyers. I had a nice post scheduled for next week explaining the recent settlement between Chevron and Stratus Consulting, and in particular to speculate on the importance of the cooperation clauses in the settlement agreement: Stratus agreed……

  • Case of the Day: Sabeniano v. Citibank

    The case of the day is Sabeniano v. Citibank N.A. New York (S.D.N.Y. 2013). Modesta Sabeniano, a Philippine national, had had several accounts with Citibank branches in Switzerland, New York, and the Philippines in the 1970s. In 1985, she sued Citibank in the a Philippine court, alleging that Citibank refused to pay her amounts it……