Tag: Lago Agrio

  • Dirty Tricks In The Lago Agrio Case?

    In 2005, the lawyers for the Lago Agrio plaintiffs sought precautionary measures from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on account of what the IACHR described as “acts of harassment and threats” and an office break-in “due to their professional work on one high-profile case,” the Lago Agrio case. The IACHR requested precautionary measures: Given……

  • Judge Kaplan Takes Chevron’s Motion for a TRO Under Advisement

    [UPDATE: I’ve changed the title of the post to reflect uncertainty about what exactly the judge did. See Max Kennerly’s comment to the post]. I am told that at this morning’s hearing on Chevron’s motion for a temporary restraining order, Judge Kaplan took the matter under advisement and did not make a decision from the……

  • Chevron Seeks a TRO

    Chevron is back before Judge Kaplan, seeking a temporary restraining order in its RICO case against Steven Donziger, Hugo Gerardo Camacho Naranjo, and several of the Lago Agrio plainitffs. Recall that Judge Kaplan previously denied Chevron’s motion to attach the Lago Agrio plaintiffs’ interests in the Ecuadoran judgment. For Chevron, this is “once more unto……

  • Breaking: Judge Zambrano “Dismissed”

    The Washington Post is reporting that Judge Nicolás Zambrano, the Ecuadoran judge who issued the $18 billion dollar judgment against Chevron, has been “dismissed for improperly freeing an alleged drug trafficker.” Ecuador’s Board of Judges found Zambrano “either deceitful or grossly negligent” in his handling of a case in 2009, when he and another judge……

  • Lago Agrio Central

    As the Lago Agrio litigation threatens to spiral out of control continues chugging along, keeping track of everything that’s going on becomes increasingly unwieldy. Therefore, I have created a new page, called Lago Agrio Central, that indexes most Letters Blogatory coverage of the case from January 2011 forward. You can find a link to the……