Tag: Lago Agrio

  • A New Front In The Lago Agrio Case?

    The Lago Agrio plaintiffs have published a memorandum by Graham Erion, a Canadian lawyer also licensed to practice in New York, arguing that Chevron is guilty of securities fraud because it misstated the law and the facts relevant to the Lago Agrio litigation and, in general, understated the risks the company faces. Among other things,……

  • Update on Chevron Corp. v. The Weinberg Group

    What is Chevron Corp. v. The Weinberg Group (D.D.C. 2011), you may ask? That’s what I asked after reading today’s story in the BLT. In September 2011, Magistrate Judge Facciola, of the U.S. District Court in Washington, issued an order compelling the Weinberg Group to produce documents to Chevron. Why didn’t Letters Blogatory report on……

  • Questions For The Lago Agrio Plaintiffs

    For reasons that are not entirely clear, partisans of both Chevron and the the Lago Agrio plaintiffs have devoted some time to arguing their case in the legal blogosphere. I say that the reasons are not entirely clear because nothing in the litigation turns on whether the parties can persuade legal bloggers and other dilettantes……

  • Update on Patton Boggs v. Chevron

    As expected, Judge Salas has ruled that Patton Boggs’s motion for an injunction enjoining Chevron’s attempt to obtain exoneration of its bond in Judge Kaplan’s court is moot in light of Judge Kaplan’s order exonerating the bond.

  • Breaking: Judge Kaplan Exonerates Chevron’s Bond

    On April 2, Judge Kaplan granted Chevron’s motion to exonerate the bond Chevron posted as a condition of obtaining a preliminary injunction against the Lago Agro plaintiffs and their agents—the injunction, later vacated by the Second Circuit, that forbade the plaintiffs to seek to enforce the Ecuadoran judgment anywhere in the world. Before I briefly……