Tag: Lago Agrio

  • Steven Donziger Has A Fraud Problem

    Steven Donziger has a problem. The problem is not necessarily that he committed fraud (though maybe he did if Chevron is right). The problem is that people who should be his allies are accusing him of fraud. We have already seen the Reyes Declaration and the Calmbacher deposition, as well as the case brought by……

  • Case of the Day: Chevron Corp. v. Donziger

    The case of the day is Chevron Corp. v. Donziger (S.D.N.Y. 2012). As we know, Chevron waged a discovery campaign across the United States that led to a lot of juicy evidence that Chevron has used in its battles with Steven Donziger and the Lago Agrio plaintiffs. The LAPs have also sought US discovery. In……

  • Chevron Turns On Trillium, One Of Its Owners

    The Lago Agrio plaintiffs and Steven Donziger were on the hot seat on Tuesday, but today it’s Chevron’s turn. One of Chevron’s shareholders is Trillium Asset Management. Trillium has been a regular sponsor of shareholder resolutions regarding Chevron’s environmental policies, and in May 2011 Trillium signed a letter with other shareholders calling on Chevron “to……

  • Lago Agrio: The Cabrera Report—Mystery Solved

    Today Letters Blogatory wades further into the Lago Agrio mire than usual. The question is one I raised back in April, when Doug Cassel’s open letter was still the hot topic: who wrote the Cabrera report? Who wrote the Cabrera report? The Cassel memorandum points to emails in which one of the plaintiffs’ lawyers seemingly……

  • Lago Agrio: Huaorani Case Voluntarily Dismissed

    I wrote a couple of days ago about the Huaorani motion for leave to intervene in Chevron’s RICO case against Donziger and others. I should have noted that on November 28 the Huaorani filed a notice of voluntary dismissal of their claims against Donziger in the separate civil action they had brought, which I reported……