Tag: Lago Agrio

  • Are Chevron’s Hands Really Clean? A Reply To Doug Cassel

    Ambassador Nathalie Cely responds to Chevron advocate Doug Cassel’s recent comment on Ecuador’s charges that Chevron was guilty of misconduct in the lead-up to the judicial inspections in Lago Agrio. I’m very pleased that partisans on both sides have been able to give their views an airing here. A note for email subscribers: there are……

  • Lago Agrio: Update

    I have a few developments to report in the Lago Agrio case, most of which you probably have already seen in the news. First, both the Lago Agrio plaintiffs and Donziger have appealed to the Second Circuit. Donziger, by the way, has just published a roadmap to the appellate issues we are likely to see……

  • Let’s Focus on the Real Issues

    Letters Blogatory welcomes Nathalie Cely Suárez, Ecuador’s ambassador in Washington, who gives the Ecuadoran government’s perspective on Judge Kaplan’s decision. This is the second in today’s series of reactions to the Chevron decision from the protagonists. I invited Steven Donziger and his team to participate, but I did not receive their submission by my deadline.……

  • Chevron Wins. What Now?

    In this, the first of a series of responses to the RICO judgment in Chevron v. Donziger by representatives or allies of the protagonists, Chevron advocate Doug Cassel takes a victory lap and, in the last paragraph, holds out an olive branch. Two starkly differing narratives compete to explain the Lago Agrio environmental lawsuit against……

  • Lago Agrio: The Next Round of Documents from the Office of the Legal Adviser

    I have some more FOIA documents from the Office of the Legal Adviser to report.