Tag: Lago Agrio

  • MCSquared’s FARA Problem: Not Very Interesting

    When MCSQuared’s failure to register under FARA became known last year, I fired off a FOIA request to try to obtain correspondence between the government and MCSquared on the issue.

  • Ghostwriting the Lago Agrio Judgment: The New Forensic Evidence

    The indefatigable Doug Cassel is back with a pro-Chevron look at Ecuador’s forensic evidence regarding the judgment ghostwriting allegation in the Lago Agrio case. It’s fair to say the evidence is equivocal—both sides have a case to make. Here is Ecuador’s new brief addressing Chevron’s arguments: I hope to have an Ecuador advocate give Letters……

  • Lago Agrio: The Egg Has Landed

    I titled my last post on the dust-up between MCSquared and Sharon Stone “Lago Agrio: Someone’s Going To Have Egg On His Face.” The gist was that Stone gave notice that she intended to seek dismissal of MCSquared’s suit against her on the grounds that the relevant contract contained an agreement to arbitrate. MCSquared claimed……

  • Lago Agrio: Someone’s Going To Have Egg On His Face

    The fracas between MCSquared and Sharon Stone has taken a decidedly odd turn.

  • Lago Agrio: The Dissent

    Readers, I erroneously reported that one of the three arbitrators, Dr. Horacio A. Grigera Naón, had dissented without an opinion. In fact, he did write a brief note of dissent, which I simply hadn’t seen. I’m not going to review it in depth: in the main, the disagreement concerns how to interpret the earlier Ecuadoran……