Tag: Lago Agrio

  • Lago Agrio: Post-Argument Briefs

    Steven Donziger and the LAPs have filed post-argument briefs with the Second Circuit.

  • Lago Agrio: Update on the Brazilian Enforcement Proceeding

    I reported way back in 2012 that the Lago Agrio plaintiffs had sought recognition and enforcement of the Lago Agrio judgment in Brazil. There has been a development—maybe a minor one, though a Brazilian lawyer would know better than I.

  • Lago Agrio: Brad Pitt Options Paul Barrett’s Book

    Back in September, when I reviewed Paul Barrett’s book, Law of the Jungle, I rued my lack of appreciation for the market for popular treatments of the Chevron/Ecuador case: As I was reading Paul M. Barrett’s new book, Law of the Jungle I was kicking myself. There’s obviously a market for popular treatments of the……

  • Sarah Westwood on Chevron Lobbying

    Reporter Sarah Westwood of the Washington Examiner has written an article taking a look at Chevron’s lobbying at the State Department in connection with the Lago Agrio case, which was the topic of my FOIA case against the Department.

  • Lago Agrio: The Racich Report

    Readers, as you know, I am in the middle of a very busy spell and so have not been updating the blog as often as I would like. But I know you will want to have the Racich Report to mull over right away. This, recall, is Ecuador’s expert report aiming to undercut Chevron’s claims,……