Tag: Israel

  • Case of the Day: Judicial Authority of Ohio v. Mann

    The case of the day is Judicial Authority of Ohio v. Mann (Jerusalem Magistrate Court 2016). I don’t have the text of the opinion, unfortunately, but I got a pointer to the case from Eric Sherby’s Globalit blog. The case involved a letter of request under the Hague Evidence Convention seeking discovery in aid of……

  • Case of the Day: Zaft v. Golan

    The case of the day is Zaft v. Golan (N.D. Fla. 2013). It’s an older case that just came across my screen and is worth a mention. Gidon Zaft, an American, and Yair Golan, an Israeli, were parties to a partnership agreement under which Zaft owned 70% of Royal Moroccan Inc., a Floridan corporation, and……

  • Welcome to Globalit!

    Readers, check out Eric Sherby’s new blog, Globalit. Eric’s an excellent Israeli lawyer, originally from New York, and I’ve had the pleasure to get to know him a little through our work together on an ABA newsletter. The name of the blog, Globalit, is a nice pun, though one that needs a little explanation in……

  • Case to Watch: Schermerhorn v. Israel

    At Opinio Juris, Julian Ku wrote about an interesting new action filed in Washington, Schermerhorn v. State of Israel (D.D.C.). The case arises out of the 2010 Gaza flotilla, in which several ships carrying self-described activists sought to challenge the Israeli (and Egyptian) blockade of Gaza. It turns out one of the ships, the Challenger……

  • Case of the Day: Genger v. Genger

    The case of the day is Genger v. Genger (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2015). There were two related actions involving Orly Genger and Sagi Genger. Presumably they had a family dispute of some sort, though the opinion doesn’t give details of the underlying dispute. In one of the actions (call it “Action 1”), Sagi Genger attempted……