Tag: Hague Service Convention

  • Case of the Day: J&H International v. Karaca Zucciye Tic. San A.S.

    The case of the day is J&H International v. Karaca Zucciye Tic. San A.S. (D.N.J. 2012). J&H had a contract with Karaca Zucciye (known as “KRC”) for the sale of more than $2.6 million of stainless steel cutlery stamped or etched with KRC’s name. J&H was a New Jersey business, but its factory was in……

  • Case of the Day: Orsi v. Falah

    The case of the day is Orsi v. Falah (D. Mass. 2012). As the judge summarized the claims, Orsi alleged that in 2003, he “encountered Al-Nahyan in the lounge of La Reserve hotel in Geneva, Switzerland.” Orsi alleged he “refused certain social invitations and sexual advances” from Al-Nahayan, and that Al-Nayan then “assaulted Orsi, whipped……

  • Case of the Day: Two Moms And A Toy v. International Playthings

    The case of the day is Two Moms And A Toy v. International Playthings (D. Colo. 2012). The claim was for infringement of US Patent 6,782,567, which describes a “fountain water toy utilizing a battery-powered pump.” One of the defendants was Golos Weisman Design, Ltd., an Israeli partnership. According to the return of service, a……

  • Case of the Day: Oak Point Partners v. Lessing

    The case of the day is Oak Point Partners v. Lessing (N.D. Cal. 2012). The claim was that EXDS, a US company, had loaned $23 million to Exodus GmbH, its German subsidiary. EXDS went into Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings, and Oak Point Partners, Inc., the plaintiff, bought all of its assets, including its rights against……

  • Judicial Review under the Hague Service Convention in Germany

    IJA Brigade correspondent Peter Bert returns today with a post on the procedure under which a German defendant can challenge service of process under the Hague Service Convention in the German courts after service has been made. I had asked Peter a question about this in another context, and he was good enough to expand……