Tag: Email

  • Case of the Day: Love-Less Ash Co. v. Asia Pacific Construction

    The case of the day is Love-Less Ash Co. v. Asia Pacific Construction, LLC (D. Utah 2021). Love-Less brought a claim against Ka Yee Wong and others. The opinion doesn’t discuss the substance of the claim. Love-Less sought leave to serve the defendant by email. He was believed to be in mainland China or in……

  • Minyao Wang on Service By Email

    I welcome readers back to Letters Blogatory with this guest post by friend of Letters Blogatory Minyao Wang. Minyao takes a look at the Grupo Cementos case, which the Supreme Court has decided not to review. His take on Rule 4(f)(3) is not in accord with mine, and I will address the disagreement in the……

  • Case of the Day: Genus Lifesciences v. Tapaysa Engineering

    The case of the day is Genus Lifesciences Inc. v. Tapaysa Eng’g Works Pvt. Ltd. (E.D. Pa. 2021). Genus brought a commercial claim against Tapaysa, an Indian company. It sought to serve process via the Indian central authority but was unsuccessful. Or perhaps it would be better to say that it has been unsuccessful thus far: it……

  • Missouri v. China: a Letters Blogatory (Informal) Amicus

    Iwrote almost a year ago about Missouri v. China, which I called the “unmeritorious case of the day.” This is the case brought by the state of Missouri against the Chinese government, the Chinese Communist Party, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, alleging that the COVID-19 pandemic is “the direct result……

  • Case of the Day: Anova v. Hong King Group

    Case of the Day: Anova v. Hong King Group

    The case of the day is Anova Applied Electronics, Inc. v. Hong King Group, Ltd., 334 F.R.D. 465 (D. Mass. 2020). Anova, a kitchen appliance manufacturer, sued Hong King, a Chinese firm, and other Chinese companies for trademark and trade dress infringement. It sought leave to serve process by email under FRCP 4(f)(3).