Tag: Ecuador

  • Rafael Salomão Romano on the Lago Agrio Case in Brazil

    It’s a pleasure to introduce a guest post by Letters Blogatory’s correspondent in Brazil, Rafael Salomão Romano. Rafael is a student at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. I previously noted a paper he wrote with his professor, Daniela Trejos Vargas, and others on the enforcement of American letters rogatory in Brazil. I……

  • More on the new Brazilian Action in the Lago Agrio Case

    Here is an unofficial translation of the Lago Agrio plaintiffs’ complaint seeking recognition and enforcement of their Ecuadoran judgment in Brazil. In my last post on the case, I noted that both Brazil and Ecuador were parties to the Montevideo Convention, an OAS treaty that several South and Central American states have ratified. The Convention……

  • BREAKING: Lago Agrio Plaintiffs Seek Recognition and Enforcement in Brazil

    I was planning to take the rest of the week off, but I have a breaking story to report in the Lago Agrio case. The Lago Agrio plaintiffs have filed a second lawsuit seeking recognition and enforcement of their judgment, this time in the Superior Court of Justice (the Superior Tribunal de Justiça) in Brasilia.……

  • Case of the Day: Application of Consorcio Ecuatoriano de Telecomunicaciones S.A.

    The case of the day is Application of Consorcio Ecuatoriano de Telecomunicaciones S.A. (11th Cir. 2012). CONCEL was a cell phone company. Jet Air Service Equador S.A. had a contract with CONCEL under which JASE provided transportation logistics services for the international shipping of cell phones and accessories. CONCEL alleged that JASE had fraudulently overbilled……

  • A Brief Comment on the Julian Assange Diplomatic Asylum Request

    The commentary on Julian Assange’s legal situation now that he has sought asylum at the Ecuadoran embassy in London has begun to roll in from the public international law blogs. I am basically unsympathetic to Mr. Assange, but in light of Letters Blogatory’s coverage of the Ecuadoran legal system in the context of the Lago……