Tag: Ecuador

  • Lago Agrio: Doug Cassel on the Argentine Attorney General’s Opinion

    We welcome back Notre Dame law professor and Chevron advocate Doug Cassel, who offers a view of the Argentine Attorney General’s opinion on the embargo of Chevron’s assets in the country and her request for action by the Argentine Supreme Court. Doug focuses on the two issues I mentioned in my post on the opinion:……

  • Lago Agrio: Argentina’s Attorney General Seeks Lifting of the Embargo

    Argentina’s attorney general, Alejandra Magdalena Gils Carbó, has asked Argentina’s Supreme Court to lift the embargo or attachment of Chevron’s assets in Argentina, which the Argentine courts had entered under the Inter-American Convention on Execution of Preventive Measures. In November 2012, I reported on the embargo, and in January 2013 I reported on an Argentine……

  • Update: Lago Agrio Plaintiffs’ Press Conference

    I listened in today on a press briefing the Lago Agrio plaintiffs’ PR team organized to discuss the state of their efforts to obtain recognition and enforcement of the Ecuadoran judgment. The briefing was expressly timed to come shortly before the beginning of Chevron’s annual meeting of shareholders on May 29. (Psst…Chevron…expect protesters!) We heard……

  • Lago Agrio: Update on the BIT Arbitration

    Update: I updated this post to include an editorial comment about the Fourth Interim Award. I haven’t written about the arbitration between Chevron and Ecuador in quite a while, so here is very brief post just to bring folks up to date. I highly recommend Luke Eric Peterson’s International Arbitration Reporter for additional and sometimes……

  • Update on Ecuador and the ATPA

    I have previously noted the efforts by Chevron to tie the renewal of Ecuador’s preferential trade status under the Andean Trade Preference Act to the Lago Agrio litigation. The Office of the US Trade Representative recently issued a new request for public comment as it prepares a report to Congress on the operation of the……