Tag: Ecuador

  • The Jorge Glas Affair

    Jorge Glas is an Ecuadoran electrical engineer who served as vice president in the Correa administration. He stayed in office briefly under Correa’s successor, Lenín Moreno, but he was convicted of accepting millions of dollars in bribes in the Odebrecht scandal. He served years in prison and was later sentenced to many more years in……

  • Lago Agrio: Argentine Supreme Court Rejects LAP Appeal

    Lago Agrio: Argentine Supreme Court Rejects LAP Appeal

    The Argentine Supreme Court has rejected, apparently without a written decision, the appeal of the Lago Agrio plaintiffs from the lower courts’ refusal to recognize the Ecuadoran judgment. I am not aware of any other enforcement proceedings pending anywhere else in the world, so it could be that this really is the end of the……

  • Lago Agrio: Update and Correction

    A correction to my last post on the Lago Agrio case. An alert reader noted that there is still an enforcement proceeding pending in Argentina’s Supreme Court. In late 2017, I reported on the first-instance decision in Argentina, and although I didn’t cover it, in July 2018 Chevron published an English translation of the appellate……

  • Lago Agrio Case Comes To An End (For Now?)

    Lago Agrio Case Comes To An End (For Now?)

    Update: I made a correction to this story, relating to the pendency of an enforcement case in the Argentine Supreme Court. The Lago Agrio plaintiffs have consented to dismissal of their action in Ontario for the recognition and enforcement of the Ecuadorian judgment. Their consent came in the face of Chevron’s motion to dismiss. Because……

  • Case of the Day: Santos v. LATAM Airlines

    The case of the day is Santos v. LATAM Airlines Group S.A. (SDNY 2019). Yolanda Delia Arias Santos, an Ecuadoran, was flying from New York to Guyaquil, Ecuador on LATAM, a Chilean airline. she claimed that on the flight, a flight attendant spilled boiling tea on her. She sued in New York. LATAM moved to……