Tag: China

  • Case of the Day: Yates v. Cheung

    The case of the day is Yates v. Cheung (N.D. Cal. 2012). Craig Yates, who uses a wheelchair, alleged that several businesses apparently located in a single building were not accessible to him. He asserted claims under the Americans With Disability Act and California law against the businesses and their landlords, Yee Mei Cheung, Tat……

  • Case of the Day: Brown v. China Integrated Energy

    The case of the day is Brown v. China Integrated Energy, Inc. (C.D. Cal. 2012). The case was a class action for securities fraud against China Integrated Energy and Xincheng Gao, Gaihong Li, and Junrong Guo, among others. The three were officers or directors of China Integrated Energy. The plaintiffs did not know their addresses……

  • Case of the Day: Facebook v. Banana Ads

    No, today’s case of the day does not involve the Winklevi. Instead, it involves one of the most annoying bad practices on the Internet: typosquatting. I fall victim to it almost every day when I point my browser at nytiems.com or hufingtonpost.com. Some kinds of typosquatting are worse than others. Some involve pointless ads that……

  • Case of the Day: S&S Machinery Corp. v. Wuhan Heavy Duty Machine Tool Group

    The case of the day is S&S Machinery Corp. v. Wuhan Heavy Duty Machine Tool Group Co. (E.D.N.Y. 2012). S&S was a machine tools merchant in New York. Under a 1999 agreement, it was the exclusive agent in North and South America for Wuhan, one of China’s largest machine tool manufacturers. The agreement gave S&S……

  • Case of the Day: In re China Intelligent Lighting and Electronics Sec. Litig.

    The case of the day is In re China Intelligent Lighting & Electronics, Inc. Securities Litigation (C.D. Cal. 2012). The plaintiffs, Perritt Emerging Opportunities Fund, Universal Invest Quality SICAV, Acero SA, and Antoine de Sejournet, brought a putative class action against China Intelligent Lighting, a Delaware corporation doing business in China, and several officers or……