Tag: China

  • Case of the Day: Lexmark International v. Ink Technologies Printer Supplies

    The case of the day is Lexmark International, Inc. v. Ink Technologies Printer Supplies, LLC (S.D. Ohio 2013). The plaintiff sought leave to serve defendants in China and Germany via email. The judge noted that both China and Germany are parties to the Hague Service Convention. The judge granted the motion. He did not analyze……

  • Case of the Day: In re Sinohub Securities Litigation

    The case of the day is In re Sinohub Securities Litigation (S.D.N.Y. 2013). The lead plaintiff, Ellsworth Investments Ltd., sought leave under FRCP 4(f)(3) to serve three of the individual defendants, Henry T. Cochran, Daniel Chi Keung Lui, and Lei Xia, by service on Sinohub’s lawyer in Boston. All three of the individual defendants were……

  • Case of the Day: Chen v. Shi

    The case of the day is Chen v. Shi (S.D.N.Y. 2013). Hua Chen and Yu Yun Zou were followers of the Falun Gong movement. They sued Honghui Shi, a Committee Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and Director of the Bureau of Reeducation Through Labor of Guangdong Province. They alleged that they were persecuted and……

  • Case of the Day: Solid Systems CAD Services v. Total Risc Technology

    The case of the day is Solid Systems CAD Services v. Total Risc Technology Pty Ltd. (S.D. Tex. 2013). Total Risc Technology Global Ltd. was a Chinese company with offices in the Netherlands, Singapore, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Malaysia, and India. Its chief executive officer, Domenic Rommanelli, was an Australian national apparently living in Australia.……

  • Article of the Day: Chang & Chang on the Chinese Bank Secrecy Cases

    The article of the day is Megan C. Chang and Terry E. Chang, Brand Name Replicas and Bank Secrecy: Exploring Attitudes and Anxieties Towards Chinese Banks In The Tiffany and Gucci Cases, 7 Brook. J. Corp. Fin. & Com. L. 425 (2013). Unfortunately, the paper does not seem to be freely available online. The article……