Tag: Canada

  • Case of the Day: Facebook v. Banana Ads

    No, today’s case of the day does not involve the Winklevi. Instead, it involves one of the most annoying bad practices on the Internet: typosquatting. I fall victim to it almost every day when I point my browser at nytiems.com or hufingtonpost.com. Some kinds of typosquatting are worse than others. Some involve pointless ads that……

  • Case of the Day: Holt v. Kormann Rockster Recycler

    The case of the day is Holt v. Kormann Rockster Recycler GmbH (Cal. Ct. App. 2012). Holt sued Kormann, an Austrian company, Rockster North America (“RNA”), a Canadian corporation, and Stephane Guerchon, a resident of Montreal. RNA was the North American distributor of Kormann rock crushers in North America, and Guerchon owned RNA. The claim……

  • Case of the Day: Khan Resources, Inc. v. Atomredmetzoloto JSC

    HT to Antonin Pribetic for a pointer to today’s case of the day, Khan Resources, Inc. v. Atomredmetzoloto JSC, 2012 ONSC 1522. Khan Resources, Inc. and some affiliates entered into a joint venture with Atomredmetzoloto JSC (“AMRZ”), which is a subsidiary of the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation—as its name suggests, a state enterprise. The……

  • Case of the Day: Momentous.ca v. Canadian American Ass’n of Professional Baseball

    The case of the day is Momentous.ca v. Canadian American Association of Professional Baseball, Ltd., 2012 SCC 9. HT to Stephen Pitel and Antonin Pribetic for bringing the case to light. The decision doesn’t explain the underlying dispute, but Ajit Singh has a good summary. The dispute arose out of a failed attempt to bring……

  • Case of the Day: Dierig v. Lees Leisure Industries

    The case of the day, Dierig v. Lees Leisure Industries, Ltd. (E.D. Ky. 2012), is yet another example of a US case holding that service by mail in Canada is permissible. I have suggested, in a series of posts and comments here and at Antonin Pribetic’s Trial Warrior Blog, that I think service by mail……