Tag: Canada

  • Case of the Day: Yaiguaje v. Chevron Corp.

    The case of the day is Yaiguaje v. Chevron Corp., 2013 ONCA 758. This is the appeal of the Ontario Superior Court’s decision staying the Lago Agrio plaintiffs’ action for recognition and enforcement of the Ecuadoran judgment, which we covered in May 2013. Antonin Pribetić has early reaction to the new decision at The Trial……

  • Lago Agrio: Plaintiffs Victorious in Canadian Appeal

    I just received word that the Lago Agrio plaintiffs were successful in their appeal of the Yaiguaje case in Ontario. Here is the decision. I am on my way to court now but will have more on this later tonight.

  • Case of the Day: Braverman Kaskey v. Toidze

    The case of the day is Braverman Kaskey P.C. v. Toidze (E.D. Pa. 2013). Braverman Kaskey, the law firm that represented Maya Toidze in Cook v. Toidze, the case of the day from July 1, 2013, sued her, asserting that she had failed to pay legal fees. When the firm still represented Toidze, she resided……

  • Case of the Day: In re Application of Ontario Principals’ Council

    The case of the day is In re Application of Ontario Principals’ Council (N.D. Cal. 2013). The Ontario Principals’ Council, Gordana Stefulic, Vivian Mavrou, and Varla Abrams were plaintiffs in a Canadian defamation action. The allegation was that anonymous or pseudonymous internet users had posted defamatory comments on websites such as Topix. The plaintiffs sought……

  • Lago Agrio comes to Ontario: Chevron and the $19B judgment

    Today we have a guest post from Alejandro Manevich of Heenan Blaikie, who was in court for the first day of argument in the Yaiguaje appeal in Ontario. Alejandro, one of the editors of the new Standardless Review blog (where this is cross-posted), gives a great blow-by-blow of the argument. Long-time readers will know that……