Tag: Canada

  • Case of the Day: Mitchison v. Zerona International

    Letters Blogatory contributor Alejandro Manevich comments on a recent Ontario decision construing the Hague Service Convention to forbid a plaintiff himself to deliver a summons to a defendant in a country that has not objected to service under Article 10(c), even if the plaintiff is a competent person to serve process under the law of……

  • Case of the Day: Soffin v. eChannel Network

    The case of the day is Soffin v. eChannel Network, Inc. (S.D. Fla. 2014). iSocial Media LLC sued eChannel, an Ontario corporation with offices in Toronto, for trademark infringement. I suppose in whatever business the companies operate, capitalizing the second letter of their names is considered edgy. eChannel’s principals were two brothers, Dragos Daniel Dumitra……

  • Case of the Day: Murtech Energy Services v. ComEnCo Systems

    The case of the day is Murtech Energy Services, LLC v. ComEnCo Systems, Inc. (E.D. Mich. 2014). ComEnCo, a Canadian firm, was in the business of manufacturing HVAC equipment. Murtech was its exclusive sales representative in Ontario and Michigan. The business relationship soured, and Murtech sued ComEnCo as well as its wholly owned subsidairy, ComEnCo……

  • Case of the Day: BBK Tobacco & Foods v. Juicy eJuice

    The case of the day is BBK Tobacco & Foods LLP v. Juicy eJuice (D. Ariz. 2014). The plaintiff, which sold the liquid used to create vapor in electronic cigarettes, owned registered trademarks including JUICY JAYS and JUICY DROPS. It sued 1673030 Alberta, Inc., which, it alleged, sold electronic “smoking devices” and the liquids under……

  • Case of the Day: Moore v. Bertuzzi

    The case of the day is Moore v. Bertuzzi, 2014 ONSC 1318. In a February 2004 hockey game, Steve Moore, who played for the Colorado Avalanche, checked Markus Näslund of the Vancouver Canucks, causing some injuries. No penalty was called, and after the game, several Canucks players, including Todd Bertuzzi, as well as the Canucks’……