Tag: arbitration

  • Case of the Day: Changzhou Amec Eastern Tools & Equipment v. Eastern Tools & Equipment

    The case of the day, Changzhou Amec Eastern Tools & Equipment Co. v. Eastern Tools & Equipment, Inc. (C.D. Cal. 2012), is a rare and disturbing case—the judge refused to confirm an international arbitral award after finding that the respondent had been forced to sign the arbitral agreement under duress. Eastern Tools, a California corporation,……

  • Case of the Day: D&D Automation v. MB Sistemas

    The case of the day is D&D Automation, Inc. v. MB Sistemas S. Coop. (W.D.N.Y. 2012). D&D, a Canadian firm, had a contract with MB Sistemas, a Spanish firm. When MB terminated the contract and demanded arbitration, D&D brought an action in the New York Supreme Court in Chemung County to enjoin the arbitration on……

  • Case of the Day: Schneider v. Kingdom of Thailand

    The case of the day is Schneider v. Kingdom of Thailand (2d Cir. 2012). Schneider was the German equivalent of the bankruptcy trustee of Walter Bau AG, a German firm whose predecessor in interest had made an investment in a Thai toll road between 1989 and 1997. Walter Bau initiated an arbitration under the German-Thai……

  • Case of the Day: Maroc Fruit Board v. M/V Vinson

    The case of the day, Maroc Fruit Board, S.A. v. M/V Vinson (D. Mass. 2012), is outside the Letters Blogatory scope of coverage. I’m covering it because it was decided here in Boston. According to the complaint, Maroc Fruit Board, a Moroccan firm doing business in Casablanca, delivered thousands of boxes of fruit to Agder……

  • Chevron Seeks Confirmation of its Arbitral Award Against Ecuador

    In May 2012, I noted that a Dutch court had refused to vacate a $96 million arbitral award Chevron had obtained against Ecuador on its 2006 claims that Ecuador violated the US/Ecuador BIT. Now Chevron has moved to confirm the award in the District of Columbia. Aside from the fact of the complaint, there is……