Tag: arbitration

  • Case of the Day: Coinbase v. Suski

    The case of the day is Coinbase, Inc. v. Suski (S. Ct. 2024). Cases about arbitration can get very abstract very quickly. I like the way Justice Jackson categorized arbitration disputes in her new opinion. The most straightforward cases are decisions on the merits of a dispute. At the next level of abstraction, the question……

  • Case of the Day: In re Insurance Co. of British Columbia

    The case of the day is In re Insurance Co. of British Columbia (D. Ariz. 2024). I am giving it that name, even though the caption says, unhelpfully, “In re Ex Parte Application Pursuant to Section 204 of the Federal Arbitration Act and A.R.S. § 12-1507 For An Order To Provide Documents And/Or Appear Remotely……

  • Case of the Day: Voltage Pictures v. Gussi

    The case of the day is Voltage Pictures LLC v. Gussi S.A. de C.V. (9th Cir. 2024). Voltage was an LA film production company. Gussi was a Mexican film distributor. The two companies had an agreement for the distribution of Ava in Latin America. Who is Ava, you ask? She is played by Jessica Chastain.……

  • Case of the Day: Payward v. Chechetkin

    The case of the day is Payward, Inc. v. Chechetkin, [2023] EWHC 1780 (Comm). Friend of Letters Blogatory Alexander Shirtcliff of Blake Morgan instructed counsel for Chechetkin, a British national living in England. Chechetkin signed up for an account with the Kraken online cryptocurrency exchange. His contract—a clickwrap contract— was with Payward Ltd. The contract……

  • Case of the Day: American Graphics Institute v. Noble Desktop NYC

    The case of the day is American Graphics Institute, LLC v. Noble Desktop NYC, LLC (D. Mass. 2023). Noble was a consultant to AGI. The claim was that Noble had taken advantage of its position to learn about AGI’s “internal sales, marketing, promotional tactics, technical processes, and strategies,” to gain “access to AGI’s copyrighted works……