Case of the Day: Germany v. Philipp
The case of the day is Federal Republic of Germany v. Philipp (S. Ct. 2021). This is the case of the Welfenschatz, the Guelph treasure said to have been stolen by the Nazis from its Jewish owners. The claim was that Hermann Göring, one of Hitler’s most powerful ministers, had coerced the Jewish owners of……
Update: The Servotronics Cert. Petition
For those of you following the Servotronics case, the case about whether Section 1782 allows for discovery in aid of private foreign arbitrations, Justice Barrett has just denied Servotronics’s request to reconsider the Clerk’s routine administrative decision to enlarge the time for Boeing, the respondent, to file a response to the petition for certiorari. This……
Interesting Issue of the Day: Recognition of Remote Civil Marriages In Israel
The Forward and friend of Letters Blogatory Eugene Volokh have both written about an interesting case before the Israeli Supreme Court. In Israel, which kept the old Ottoman laws on personal status after independence, all marriages must be contracted in a religious ceremony; there is no civil marriage. This law makes it impossible for some……
Letters Blogatory Tote Bags!
Readers, I have just finished sending out the canvas tote bags that I bought as gifts for those friends of the blog who participated in the Letters Blogatory tenth anniversary celebration. I have leftovers! If you are a friend of Letters Blogatory and would like some very attractive swag, now is your chance. It’s way……
Let the Sunshine In
Today’s I am unshakably upbeat and optimistic. I do not mind being corny today. America pulled off what seemed for a time like an impossible task—it sent its own tinpot demagogue packing in a free and fair democratic election, and when the demagogue and his toadies tried to overturn the will of the people, Democrats……