Case of the Day: Playboy Enterprises v. Smartitan
The case of the day, Playboy Enters. Int’l, Inc. v. Smartitan (Singapore) PTE Ltd. (N.D. Ill. 2011), is, I am sorry to say, our second case from the “adult entertainment” industry. In today’s case Playboy was licensing its trademarks for use on clothing and women’s bags to be sold in Japan, which makes the case less……
Case of the Day: In re Veiga
In today’s case of the day, In re Veiga (D.D.C. 2010), we return to the Lago Agrio epic. In this installment, Chevron and its lawyers, Rodrigo Pérez Pallares and Ricardo Reis Veiga, sought to compel the deposition in the United States of Alberto Wray Espinosa, and the production of documents. Ecuador and the Lago Agrio plaintiffs intervened in the……
Case of the Day: SEC v. Stanford International Bank
The case of the day is SEC v. Stanford International Bank Ltd. (N.D. Tex. 2011). The court had earlier appointed a receiver to take control of the assets of R. Allen Stanford and various affiliates. In today’s case, the receiver sought to obtain information about the Stanford defendants’ accounts at Société Générale Private Banking (Suisse) S.A.,……
Case of the Day: Zeevi Holdings Ltd. v. Republic of Bulgaria
The Case of the Day, Zeevi Holdings Ltd. v. Republic of Bulgaria (S.D.N.Y. 2011), is an unusual case involving the intersection between the New York Convention and exclusive choice of forum agreements. Zeevi, an Israeli firm, had a contract with an agency of the Bulgarian government (but not with Bulgaria itself) to purchase shares in……
Case of the Day: Peiker Acustic, Inc. v. Kennedy
I don’t like the plaintiffs’ style in the Case of the Day, Peiker Acustic, Inc. v. Kennedy (D. Colo. 2011). Peiker, a German firm, sued Kennedy in the Circuit Court for Oakland County, Michigan, for defamation. Kennedy did not reside in Michigan, but Peiker had a place of business there. Kennedy removed the case to……