ACLU Files Amicus Brief in the Belfast Project Case
The ACLU has filed its amicus brief in the Belfast Project appeal. Because of the posture of the case—Moloney and McIntyre have appealed from the denial of their motion for leave to intervene—the ACLU brief focuses on the intervention issue. A few points: The brief does not address the question whether the motion for leave……
Breaking: The BIT Tribunal Finds It Has Jurisdiction Over Chevron’s Claims Against Ecuador
Chevron won another victory in its arbitration against Ecuador under the US/Ecuador bilateral investment treaty yesterday. In a lengthy decision, the tribunal, comprised of one arbitrator appointed by Chevron, one arbitrator appointed by Ecuador, and a president appointed by the Secretary-General of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, unanimously ruled that it had jurisdiction to consider……
Patton Boggs Opens A New Front In The Chevron/Ecuador Case
For the most part, Chevron has been the master of ancillary litigation in its dispute with Ecuador, bringing many § 1782 judicial assistance proceedings, a RICO action, a declaratory judgment action, and of course a claim under the US/Ecuador bilateral investment treaty. The Lago Agrio plaintiffs have fought back in what I consider to be……
Case of the Day: Chelsea Football Club v. Mutu
The case of the day is Chelsea Football Club Ltd. v. Mutu (S.D. Fla. 2012). Adrian Mutu played soccer for AC Parma until 2003, when he was transferred to Chelsea. Chelsea paid AC Parma a £ 22.5 million transfer fee. Chelsea and Mutu made a five year contract with an annual salary of £ 2.35……
ABA Resolves To Encourage US Courts To Respect Foreign Privacy and Data Protection Laws
At its recent meeting, the House of Delegates of the American Bar Association passed a resolution regarding respect for foreign blocking statutes and data protection laws in pretrial discovery in US civil actions. The resolution reads: RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association urges that, where possible in the context of the proceedings before them, U.S.……