Please visit Letters Blogatory tomorrow for what I hope will be an interesting symposium on the intersection between forum non conveniens and recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. This is obviously a hot-button issue in light of the Chevron/Ecuador case, and several of the participants will touch on that case in the course of their……
Case of the Day: Schiff v. Hurwitz
The case of the day is Schiff v. Hurwitz (W.D. Pa. 2012). Schiff was a patient of Dr. Hurwitz, who performed the “BodyTite Procedure” on Schiff. Personally, I would not recommend any medical procedure with a purposely misspelled word in the name, but that’s just me. Schiff used a medical device manufactured by Invasix in……
Case of the Day: Signalquest v. Tien-Ming Chou
I like how the judge in today’s case of the day, Signalquest, Inc. v. Tien-Ming Chou (D.N.H. 2012), began: “When service of process absolutely, positively has to be effected on a Taiwanese defendant pursuant to FRCP 4(f)(2)(C)(ii), is Federal Express enough?” The claim was for patent infringement. Signalquest asserted that Chou and his company, Oncque,……
Case of the Day: Ex Parte LG Electronics Deutschland
The case of the day is Ex Parte LG Electronics Deutschland GmbH (S.D. Cal. 2012). The decision is a fairly routine and orthodox example of a § 1782 request that was rightly granted. LG sought leave to serve a subpoena on Qualcomm, Inc. to obtain information for use in patent infringement suits in Germany and……
My Book Has Been Published!
I am happy to announce that my first book, International Judicial Assistance, has just been published by MCLE. The book covers five topics: Service of process abroad in United States civil litigation Gathering evidence abroad for use in the United States Gathering evidence in the United States for use abroad Recognition and enforcement of foreign……