Belfast Project: Moloney & McIntyre File Petition for Certiorari
On Friday Ed Moloney and Anthony McIntyre filed their petition for a writ of certiorari in the Belfast Project case. The filing of the petition extends Justice Breyer’s stay of the First Circuit’s mandate at least until the Supreme Court decides whether to grant the petition and hear the case on the merits. The petition……
Argentina Takes the Liberdad Case to the ITLOS
As I briefly noted a few weeks ago, a Ghanaian court, on the motion of NML Capital, arrested an Argentine naval vessel, the ARA Liberdad, while it was in port. NML, of course, is one of Argentina’s creditors on its sovereign debt. A coup for NML and its lawyers, and highly embarrassing for Argentina. I……
Case of the Day: Suncoast Tech Corp. v. Hondutel
The case of the day is Suncoast Tech Corp. v. Hondutel (S.D. Fla. 2012). Suncoast had a contract with Hondutel, a Honduran telecommunications firm, to do work aimed at weeding out “gray trafficking” (a kind of misuse of telecommunications lines) and detecting fraudulent calls on Hondutel’s network. Once Suncoast had identified and eliminated any gray……
Case of the Day: Lebel v. Mai
The case of the day is Lebel v. Mai (Cal. App. Ct. 2012). Laura Lebel was a tenant of Eric Mai under a 2010 condominium lease. She became dissatisfied with the tenancy, moved out of the apartment, and brought an action for constructive eviction and fraud in the Los Angeles County Superior Court. Lebel’s process……
Lago Agrio: Insurance Coverage Decision Goes Against Stratus Consulting
Here is an interesting footnote in the Lago Agrio saga. Stratus Consulting, one of the defendants in the RICO case Chevron has brought in New York against Donziger and others, had a dispute with its insurers about whether the insurers had a duty to defend Stratus and two of its employees, Douglas Beltman and Ann……