Case of the Day: Microsoft v. John Doe
The case of the day is Microsoft Corp. v. John Doe (E.D.N.Y. 2012). Microsoft asserted claims against dozens of unknown defendants, the alleged creators, controllers, and users of the “Zeus Botnets” malware, a malicious computer program that is used to commit various cyber-crimes. Microsoft did not know the identities of the defendants, but its investigation……
Argentina Seeks A Stay from the Second Circuit
Argentina has moved for an emergency stay of Judge Griesa’s injunction. As we saw earlier this week, the judge had lifted the stay of his injunction in light of Argentina’s announced intention never to pay the owners of its defaulted bonds. Argentina’s stay request makes a few interesting points. First, Argentina argues that the injunction……
Case of the Day: Wultz v. Bank of China
The case of the day is Wultz v. Bank of China (S.D.N.Y. 2012). In 2006, Daniel Wultz was killed, and Yekutiel Wultz injured, in a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv. Members of the Wultz family sued the Bank of China, alleging that the bank had violated the Antiterrorism Act, 18 USC [section] 2333, and that……
Letters Blogatory Makes The ABA Blawg 100
Thank you to everyone who nominated Letters Blogatory for the ABA Blawg 100, the ABA’s annual list of the best 100 legal blogs. I’m happy to announce that Letters Blogatory made the cut this year. It’s an honor to be on a list with blogs like the China Law Blog, Litigation and Trial, Popehat, and……
Argentina to Judge Griesa: Drop Dead. Judge To Argentina: Pay Up—Now
A few weeks ago, I reviewed the Second Circuit’s decision affirming Judge Griesa’s injunction in the NML Capital case requiring Argentina to pay its original bondholders pari passu whenever it makes payments to holder of the reorganized debt Argentina persuaded many of its creditors to accept. The Second Circuit remanded for consideration of which third……