“Intellectual Whiplash”: One Day, Two International Cases, and Two Different Results at the U.S. Supreme Court
I invited Chuck Kotuby to do a guest post on the Lozano case, as he is Letters Blogatory’s resident expert on the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of Child Abduction, and lo and behold, he wrote up the BG Group v. Argentina case as well! Of course, the two cases, decided on the same……
Let’s Help Improve The Hague Evidence and Service Conventions!
The International Litigation Committee of the ABA is assisting the State Department in soliciting comments from practitioners on the operation of the Hague Service and Evidence Conventions. The comments will be used by the State Department in identifying issues to raise during the upcoming meeting of the Special Commission on the Practical Operation of the……
Case of the Day: WhosHere, Inc. v. Örün
The case of the day is WhosHere, Inc. v. Örün (E.D. Va. 2014), involves service by email and by Facebook and LinkedIn in Turkey.
Books and Blogs of the Day
Readers, please check out these two new offerings from friends of Letters Blogatory.
A First Look at the Donziger Decision
Many readers will already have read about Judge Kaplan’s findings of fact and conclusions of law, which found that Steven Donziger and the Lago Agrio plaintiffs violated the RICO statute and enjoined them from benefiting from the Ecuadoran judgment or from seeking recognition of it in the United States. Yesterday was quite clearly a big……