Case of the Day: Standard Chartered Bank v. Ahmad Hamad Al Gosaibi & Bros.
Update (10/9/14): I think Greg Shill’s new post about this case may require a rethink on my part, so check back in! The case of the day is Standard Chartered Bank v. Ahmad Hamad Al Gosaibi & Bros. (Pa. Super. Ct. 2014). Friend of Letters Blogatory Greg Shill brought it to my attention—thanks, Greg! I……
Letters Blogatory Mentioned In Rolling Stone
Alexander Zaitchik has published an article on the Chevron case in Rolling Stone. Actually, the article doesn’t mention Letters Blogatory, but it does reference a FOIA document I have written about here.
On Vacation
Letters Blogatory is on vacation this week! We’ll be back beginning September 1.
Case of the Day: Sikhs for Justice v. Singh
The case of the day is Sikhs for Justice v. Singh (D.D.C. 2014). This is the third Sikhs for Justice case we’ve considered. The first, Sikhs for Justice v. Nath (S.D.N.Y. 2012), involved an attempt to serve process on the defendant inside the Indian consulate. The second, Sikhs for Justice v. Badal (7th Cir. 2013),……
Case of the Day: In re Berlamont
The case of the day is In re Application of Berlamont (S.D.N.Y. 2014). Franck Berlamont applied for leave to serve a subpoena under § 1782 in order to obtain a transcript of testimony Rajiv Jaitly gave in a deposition in an earlier New York case, Rembaum v. Banco Santander. The deposition had, apparently, taken place……