HCCH Announces E-Country Profiles
The Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference has announced the launch of the e-Country Profiles project. The idea is for governments to provide information regarding the operation of several of the conventions in a standardized way that would be available on the HCCH website. In addition to the Service and Evidence Conventions, the project will……
Elephant Habeas: Next Stop, Colorado
The Nonhuman Rights Project has taken its traveling show to Colorado, where it has filed a habeas corpus petition, supposedly on behalf of elephants kept by the Cheyenne Mountain Zoological Society. The petition is highly similar to the earlier petitions, so I won’t review it in any detail. What a great country! Instead of advocating……
Case of the Day: Carrillo v. Black Diamond Equipment
The case of the day is Carillo v. Black Diamond Equipment, Ltd. (D. Wyo. 2023). The case was a wrongful death action based on an allegation that the decedent was lost after a ski accident and that his “avalanche beacon” was defectively designed. The plaintiff filed the case in the Teton County (Wyoming) District Court,……
Service of Process Since 2016: What’s New?
The fourth edition of the Practical Handbook on the Operation of the Service Convention was published in 2016. With a meeting of the Special Commission likely to take place next year, it’s a good time to step back and ask: what have been the major American developments in the law of service since then? I……
Elephant Habeas: California Appeals Court Denies NhRP’s Petition
I’ve gotten behind in my coverage of the elephant habeas petitions brought by Steven Wise and his Nonhuman Rights Project. My last update involved an unusual attempt by the NhRP to file a habeas corpus petition directly in an appellate court. Now, I don’t know anything about California habeas corpus law, but I do know……