Case of the Day: Freedom Watch v. OPEC
The case of the day is Freedom Watch v. OPEC (D.D.C. 2015). I’ve covered the case a few times already. Here are links to earlier posts about the District Court decision, the DC Circuit’s first decision, and the District Court’s second decision. I didn’t previously cover the DC Circuit’s decision denying Freedom Watch’s petition for……
Case of the Day: Dooh v. Royal Dutch Shell
The case of the day is Dooh v. Royal Dutch Shell plc, a recent decision of the Court of Appeal in the Hague. The decision is apparently only available in Dutch, though the link has an official press release in English describing the decision.
Case to Watch: Schermerhorn v. Israel
At Opinio Juris, Julian Ku wrote about an interesting new action filed in Washington, Schermerhorn v. State of Israel (D.D.C.). The case arises out of the 2010 Gaza flotilla, in which several ships carrying self-described activists sought to challenge the Israeli (and Egyptian) blockade of Gaza. It turns out one of the ships, the Challenger……
Puerto Rico Status in the Supreme Court
Puerto Rico has been in the news a lot recently on account of its debt crisis. But there’s another interesting issue percolating, and it will be argued in the Supreme Court shortly. Is Puerto Rico a sovereign separate from the United States, as the states of the United States are, such that a person acquitted……
Case of the Day: Genger v. Genger
The case of the day is Genger v. Genger (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2015). There were two related actions involving Orly Genger and Sagi Genger. Presumably they had a family dispute of some sort, though the opinion doesn’t give details of the underlying dispute. In one of the actions (call it “Action 1”), Sagi Genger attempted……