The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and the Julian Assange Case
A few years ago, I commented on Julian Assange’s bid to win “diplomatic asylum” from Ecuador. As my post indicated, I’m not really sympathetic to Mr. Assange’s legal plight, and my view on that hasn’t changed since 2012. The case was recently in the news again as the UN’s Working Group on Arbitrary Detention released……
New Feature! Advanced Search!
Readers, I have tried many times to give you tools to search the 1,420 (and counting) posts on Letters Blogatory. When I started back in 2011, I had digest page that I would manually update each day. That wasn’t good for you or good for me. More recently, I have had an index page that……
Case of the Day: Merial v. Ceva Santé Animale
The case of the day is Merial v. Ceva Santé Animale, S.A. (M.D. Ga. 2016). Merial sued Ceva, a French firm. It attempted to serve process by hiring a private process server to serve Herve Balmes, alleged to be a member of Ceva’s executive committee, in Libourne, France, and by registered mail to Marc Prikazsky,……
Case of the Day: Chen v. Sun
The case of the day is Chen v. Sun (S.D.N.Y. 2016). Hsin-Cheng Chen sued Kelvin Sun and Jia Liu, seeking recognition and enforcement of a Chinese judgment. The complaint alleged that Chen was a Chinese citizen domiciled in Taiwan, that Sun was an American citizen whose “principal residence” was in New York, and that Liu,……
Case of the Day: Walton v. Bilisnki
The case of the day is Walton v. Bilinski (E.D. Mo. 2015). The plaintiff, Cody Walton, alleged that he was sexually assaulted by another inmate when he was being held in the Macon County, Missouri jail in pretrial detention. He sued Ryszard Bilinski, a former Macon County deputy sheriff, alleging a constitutional violation because Bilinski,……