Merrick Garland on International Issues
Today the President nominated Merrick Garland, chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, to be a Justice of the Supreme Court. Tom Goldstein previously reviewed some of Judge Garland’s decisions, but his post dates from 2010, and anyway, it doesn’t focus on Letters Blogatory’s issues. So here is……
Badawi v. Alesawy
The case of the day is Badawi v. Alesawy (N.Y. App. Div. 2016). This is the appeal of the case of the day from October 23, 2012. The parties were married civilly in New York in 1998, and they had an Islamic wedding ceremony thereafter. As part of the religious ceremony, they signed a mahr……
Case of the Day: Department of Human Services v. M.C.-C.
The case of the day is Department of Human Services v. M.C.-C. (Or. Ct. App. 2015). The Oregon Department of Human Services brought a dependency proceeding against a father who lived in Mexico but whose four children lived in Oregon. The DHS served process via a private courier that required a signature at delivery. This……
Case of the Day: In re Petrobras
The case of the day is In re Petrobras Securities Litigation (S.D.N.Y. 2016). The action involves investors’ claims of losses due to a bribery and kickback scandal involving Petrobras, a Brazilian oil company. The plaintiffs sought approval from the court to serve a subpoena on Mauro Gentile Rodrigues da Cunha, a former Petrobras independent director.……
Update on the Kuwait Airways Case
I’ve written a few times about the Kuwait Airways case. This is the case in which the airline refused to transport a passenger from New York to London because he was traveling on an Israeli passport. The airline cited Kuwaiti law forbidding it to transport the passenger. The Department of Transportation, after some initial hemming……