Case of the Day: Princeton Digital Image v. Konami Digital Entertainment
The case of the day is Princeton Digital Image Corp. v. Konami Digital Entertainment Inc. (D. Del. 2016). The case was a patent infringement action against Konami, the developer of the Dance Dance Revolution video game . Princeton sought an order requiring Konami, the US subsidiary of Konami Holdings Corp., to produce documents in the……
One Last Post On The Lago Agrio Canadian Proceedings (For Now)
With apologies to those of you who are not Chevronologists and who just want to read a good ol’ fashioned § 1782 case, I’d like to say just a bit more about the corporate separateness issue, in light of the LAPs’ brief, which became available to me just recently. The LAPs do want to get……
Lago Agrio: International Judgment Arbitrage?
I’d like to do a little more analysis of the ongoing hearing in Canada on the Lago Agrio judgment, since in the absence of a transcript of yesterday’s hearing on Chevron’s motion for summary judgment I don’t have any hard news to report. As I suggested yesterday, I think that the LAPs’ view is that……
The US Ratifies The Child Support Convention: What About COCA?
The United States signed the Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance in November 2007, when the Convention was concluded. It was the first state to sign. The Senate gave its advice and consent to ratification in 2010. There were a few signatures in the following years, but……
Letters Blogatory Remembers 9/11
Let’s pause to remember the men and women who died in the 9/11 attacks, fifteen years ago today.