Reflections on the Election
America will shortly limp across the finish line of the 2016 general election. This has been an unprecedented campaign season, and no matter whom you support, no matter whether you are an American or a concerned friend of America abroad, I am sure you will not say that it went well or that it reflected……
Case of the Day: Miller v. Secretary of State
In my July 4 post on Brexit, I wrote: … to put the EU question directly to the voters flies in the face of what I thought I knew about the UK constitution, particularly the idea of Parliamentary sovereignty. Some of the legal reaction to Brexit seems to bear this out. Assuming for the moment……
Case of the Day: Alberts v. Royal Caribbean
The case of the day is Roberts v. Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. (11th Cir. 2016). Usually, I don’t write about cruise line employee arbitration cases, because they’re mostly run-of-the-mill. But today’s case is more interesting than the usual.
Case of the Day: Sergeeva v. Tripleton International
The case of the day is Sergeeva v. Tripleton International Ltd. (11th Cir. 2016). Sergeeva brought an action in Russia against her husband, Mikhail Leopoldovich Dubin, for a division of marital assets. Sergeeva claimed that Dubin was “concealing and dissipating” marital assets “through and with the assistance of ‘offshore companies’ around the world.” According to……
Sharia Law In the UK
Next week, several NGOs are sponsoring a seminar in a committee room of the UK House of Commons regarding the supposed dangers of Sharia law in the UK. This is of interest to me for the same reason I’m sure it’s interesting to anyone interested in arbitration and private international law, and also because the……